Why choose CJ Website Hosting?

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Why choose CJ Website Hosting?


Our Network Connections
View our network connections for better understanding of why we are one of the fastest web hosts around..

CJ Website Hosting is one of the fastest web hosts in the United Kingdom. We compared web sites hosted by two well known UK web hosting companies with a site hosted by us using a "traceroute" tool. The following tests were made:

  • Number of hops
    The more hops there are , the more potential points of failure exist between the user and the server.

  • Average Ping Time
    Ping (Packet Internet Groper) is the length of time in milliseconds that it takes for data to get from the server back to the computer). The longer the ping time the longer it will take for pages to respond.

The results are below:

Company No. of hops Avg. ping time Comments
CJ Website Hosting 10 30ms Servers located in London, US and Canada
OneAndOne 14 45ms Servers located in Germany
Hosteurope 15 65ms Servers located in Nottingham

CJ Website Hosting produced faster results because we have servers located in London near the London Internet Exchange where most UK ISP's echange data with other ISP's and web hosting companies.

We also have an international presence allowing us to provide hosting in the US or Canada if the majority of your visitors originate from there.


Save money
Save money with us!

The cost of our web hosting packages speak for themselves. We offer low cost, effective solutions for your hosting needs. So why the low cost? Well, thats simple - we want to reach as many customers as possible and to do that we feel we need to compete on price as well as quality (not something that is achieved easily).

To do this we keep our own service as automated and effective as possible. One of the most commonly asked questions is:

Q: Is their a catch to your stupidly low prices?

The answer is simple, there are no hidden costs. All costs of our hosting and domains are shown on the web site - we do not ask for extra amounts per month and we certainly don't charge for support

Customer Login

What our customers say

At first I thought the prices were too good to be true but now all of my websites are hosted at CJ Website Hosting! - Anup Saund, United Kingdom

Our Promise

  • 99.9% Uptime
  • Low Server Load
  • 24 Hour Support
  • High Bandwidth
  • Instant Setup
  • Easy to Use
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